The Walking Dead Game Fan Fiction Wiki
  Adam Pawsan
Actor Jack Laraul & Wendall Amiere
Gender Male
Hair Scottish Black Brown
Age 19
Family Unnamed Brother Unnamed Parents
Cause of Death Stabbed multiple times by Travis and then head smashed by foot.
Status Dead
Ethnicity British-Australian-American
Episode Count 11
Species Human

Adam Pawsan is a major character in The Walking Dead: A Alternate Way.


  • He is the first character to be British-Australian-American, second being Watcher Soldier 57.
  • He is the first character to be voiced by 2 voice actors.
  • Adam has a non-canon death, he is killed by a Raid-Killer Bandit. (You didn't know that yet), Either that soldier was a traitor or he had no choice but to to kill Adam.

Non-Canon Deaths[]


While the Growith North High Meeting Attack happens, High League Soldier 3 can be seen with a sword next to him. When Adam attacks the soldier, the player was supposed to save Adam, and kill the soldier, but if you don't do anything, Adam will be stabbed and killed. Then the player (Travis) would be killed.
